Pozhneftehim History
Pozhneftehim History
LLC Pozhneftehim (St. Petersburg) was established. Date of birth of the company - February 6, 2004.
2004 - 2006

Choosing the Pozhneftehim logo
Pozhneftehim provides technical support services for design works, cooperates with design organizations, consults on the selection and supply of firefighting equipment and foam concentrates. Development of Special Technical Conditions and design documentation under an agreement with the Neftekhimproekt for the Petersburg Oil Terminal are among its major projects.
2007 - 2010
Pozhneftehim organizes the production of equipment in the city of Donskoy, the Tula region. The site conducts R&D to create new models of firefighting products. The company employs 40 people. Products developed during these years were subsequently certified and got more than 15 patents for utility models.
The company presented its first own equipment catalog in 2008. It included the universal fire filters “Tauer”, water-foam nozzles “Antifire”, nozzles for fire extinguishing systems, water cooling and water curtains, burstable membranes, high back pressure fo am generators, low-expansion foam chambers. At the same time, the Company starts developing a multi-functional testingstand.

Cover of the 2008 Pozhneftehim FireFighting Equipment Catalog
Pozhneftehim cooperates with supervisory authorities in developing regulatory documents in the field of industrial fire safety. The preparation of technical documentation and Special Technical conditions (STU) for facilities with circulation of flammable and combustible liquids is in progress. During this time period, the Company begins cooperating with LLC Gefest, OJSC 23d State Marine Design Institute, LLC VNIIST Institute, CJSC PMP and other organizations. The geography of projects is expanding.
2011 - 2013
In 2011, Pozhneftehim continues expanding its product range (bladder tanks, proportioning systems, complex functional units) and opens the “foam concentrate” direction. The company acquires production site in the town of Ivanteevka, Moscow region, and conducts its own development of formulations of foam concentrates AFFF, AFFF/AR, S, S/AR, WA type under the trademark “Aquafom”.
Preparation of design documentation for foam fire extinguishing, water cooling (irrigation) installations and water curtains retains the status of a key activity. During this time period, the Company cooperates with JSC Lenmorniiproekt, JSC LUKOIL-Nizhegorodniinefteproekt, JSC GT Morstroy, LLC GEOSTROYKOM, LLC Promkhimproekt, JSC Slavneft-YANOS, LLC NOVATEK-Ust-Luga, CJSC "IC "Tekhnokhim", LLC "STC "Pozhinzhiniring", LLC "SIBUR-Portenergo".
The company production division employs 60 people. Pozhneftehim expands engineering and technical support to design organizations and begins comprehensive supplies of equipment to sites. The direction of the introduction of foam fire extinguishing systems to marine facilities (ships, offshore platforms) has been launched.
The EMERCOM of Russia grants Pozhneftehim a license for carrying out "installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures." The Company also joins the Association of Fire Protection Systems Designers and gets a permit to works that have an impact on the safety of capital construction projects.
Pozhneftehim cooperates not only with Russian organizations, but also with foreign equipment suppliers. In 2011, when creating an integrated dosing system at a large site, the Company interacted with the European manufacturer MATRE MASKIN S.A. Today Pozhneftehim is its exclusive representative on the territory of the Russian Federation with the right to provide after-sales service (balanced pressure proportioner M-BP, turbine inline proportioner M-TU, foam inductor M-FOI, pop-up nozzle M-DY16).
2014 - 2016

Pozhneftehim joined the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2016
The Pozhneftehim product line expands to 14 thousand items. The Company actively works with clients and conducts comprehensive supplies of equipment and foam concentrates to the sites. The manufacturing capacity is expanding.
Pozhneftehim gets certificates and patents for such products as the universal foam generator “Turbopen”, fire hose cabinet “Rubezh”, device for feeding an oscillating jet with fire extinguishing agent, a bladder tank control cabinet and othersThe company is completing the creation of a comprehensive testing site (stand). It is used to test equipment and foam concentrates, demonstrate the latest technologies of foam fire extinguishing. The Pozhneftehim "Stand for hydraulic testing" was accredited by the Rosacreditation Commission and got an official certificate.

2016 Pozhneftehim Catalog of services, firefighting equipment and foam concentrates
In 2016, Pozhneftehim presents an updated Catalog of services, firefighting equipment and foam concentrates. It embodies the principle of openness and sufficiency of information both for technical specialists of design institutes and for departments of industrial and fire safety of client companies. The Pozhneftehim Catalog describes in detail the purpose, scope, modifications, advantages and characteristics of the products manufactured.
The company gets a license from the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and arranges Advanced training courses for industrial and fire safety specialists. The company experts present the designing and implementation of fire protection systems at production sites.
In 2016, Pozhneftehim regularly supplied fire protection equipment for the production sites of such companies as Rosneft, GAZPROM, Gazprom Neft, LUKOIL, Surgutneftegaz. Among the Company partners there are more than 500 design organizations. The development of Special technical solutions and sections of design documentation in the field of fire safety maintains the status of a key area.
In 2016, LLC Pozhneftehim became a member of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The geography of Pozhneftehim equipment supplies goes beyond the Russian Federation. The company supplies products to Kazakhstan, Belarus, engages partners in Azerbaijan. The total number of Pozhneftehim employees is over 130 people.
Pozhneftehim officially recognized as co-developer of new GOSTs for proportioners and foam generators
In 2018-2020, Pozhneftehim was heavily involved in the development of GOSTs for ejection-type foam generators and proportioners for water and foam fire extinguishing installations. On July 16, 2020, for contribution to improving the newly prepared regulatory documents, the company was officially granted the status of a co-developer by the decision of the Technical Committee for standardization TC 274.
The letter of the Technical Committee for standardization TC 274 "Fire safety" to LLC Pozhneftehim notes that the company is included in the developers list of interstate standards for "significant contribution to the content of GOST projects in the process of public discussion", in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.3.2 of GOST R 1.2-2016.
As part of the work on the draft version of GOST "Firefighting equipment. Ejection-type foam generators. General technical requirements. Test methods", Pozhneftehim has prepared and sent to the developer VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia a review with 32 proposals, of which 29 were accepted or partially accepted. The working version of the document is available here.
As part of work on the draft version of GOST "Water and foam fire extinguishing installations. Proportioners. General technical requirements. Test methods", Pozhneftehim has prepared and sent to the developer VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia a review containing proposals for the main requirements of the standard and schematic diagrams describing the principles of testing the main types of dosing devices. According to the report on the final draft, 13 proposals from Pozhneftehim LLC were accepted or partially accepted. The information about the draft GOST on proportioners for fire extinguishing installations is available here.
"Pozhneftehim plans to continue the active participation in the development of new interstate standards. Currently, we are developing 6 GOSTs with the Academy of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia. We believe that our company's experience in the field of fire protection of industrial facilities since 2004, which reveals itself in regulatory documents, allows to significantly influence the quality of products in the EAEU countries," said Sergey Panov, Deputy head of Pozhneftekhim group.
Pozhneftehim, the Russian manufacturer of products, developer of STU and design solutions for industrial fire extinguishing systems, has been a member of TC 274 since 2017. The Technical Committee for standardization is an association of Federal executive authorities, scientific and industrial organizations and enterprises; the TC 274 Secretariat is entrusted to the Federal state budgetary institution VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia.