11.04.2019 09:57:00

The Pozhneftehim has received an official expert opinion that the Aquafom S/AR foam concentrate is completely biodegradable. Disposal into water bodies is allowed provided that it is diluted with water in a proportion of 1 to 1500 without prior physical-chemical treatment. S/AR is recommended for fire extinguishing systems of offshore platforms, ships, and tankers.
Aquafom S/AR foam concentrate was developed by Pozhneftehim specialists to extinguish class A and B fires. Its production began in 2014 in Ivanteevka (Moscow regionregion). The product is available in a 6% modification and is on the Pozhneftehim foam concentrates list, which includes various modifications of WA, S, AFFF, AFFF/AR and AFFF/AR-LV types. The effectiveness of these products has been repeatedly proved on fire tests, including demonstration tests carried out at the Pozhneftehim Advanced training course.
Aquafom S/AR foam concentrate has proven indicators of biodegradability and phytotoxicity. The test center for surface-active substances, detergents and paints and varnishes studied Aquafom S/AR biodegradability and phytotoxicity and stated in 2018 that in case of single discharge of the foam concentrate, the active sludge adapts in 8 ± 2 days, and the foam concentrate biodegrades as high as 95% and more. The state of active sludge is good; a full set of indicator microorganisms is present in the sludge. The dilution factor to EC0 is 1,500 times.
“There is a growing interest in biologically safe foam concentrates in the world. We know that offshore objects in Norway now buy such foam concentrates only. A distinctive feature of Aquafom S/AR, in addition to environmental safety, is its high efficiency. This foam concentrate is used to effectively extinguish polar and non-polar liquids - this makes it a competitor to the more expensive AFFF/AR,” said Tatyana Potapenko, head of the Pozhneftehim foam project.
Aquafom S/AR foam concentrate is designed for fire extinguishing of hydrocarbons (oil and oil products), high-octane fuels, alcohol-resistant water-soluble liquids, stable gas condensates. The product is an aqueous solution of hydrocarbon surfactants with stabilizing additives. It is used to produce low, medium and high expansion foams by adding fresh, brackish and salt water. It is qualified to low-hazard products in terms of exposure to the human body (hazard class 4) according to GOST 12.1.007-76.
Modern enterprises in Russia and other countries follow the principle of zero discharge. It involves significant additional costs for the disposal of environmentally harmful emissions and production waste. Wastewater treatment facilities are being built at the site, and some of the substances are transported for further physical and chemical treatment at special plants.
However, not all objects can afford to follow this principle. In particular, the storage of substances for subsequent disposal is an expensive practice at offshore facilities, as well as the construction of treatment plants on a limited area. Therefore, the interest of objects such as offshore oil platforms (pdf), tankers, ships, in biologically safe foam concentrates is quite explainable.
As is known, foam concentrates for extinguishing HIL and FL containing perfluorosurfactants and having high efficiency are not allowed for direct discharge into water bodies and soil due to the high stability of the compounds: the half-life of some is more than 200 years. Aquafom S/AR does not contain perfluorosurfactant and at the same time has proven effectiveness in extinguishing water-soluble and water-insoluble highly flammable and combustible liquids.
Aquafom S/AR foam concentrate is produced according to TU 2481-30-72410778-2014 and comes with a full set of permits and documentation confirming its safety.
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