17.07.2020 16:26:00

In June and July of 2020, the Pozhneftehim production site in Donskoy modernized the equipment painting area. A new air supply and aspiration system of the painting chamber has been installed. Modern filtering materials remove paint particles from the treatment area and purify the exhaust gas-air mixture up to 93%.
Modern technology for cleaning, heating and distributing air in painting chambers allows improving quality and increasing the efficiency of anti-corrosion protection works.
The requirements for painting metal products are contained in regulatory documents, among them the GOST 9.072-2017 "Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging (ESZKS). Paint and varnish coatings. Terms and definitions" and GOST 9.402-2004 "Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging (ESZKS). Paint and varnish coatings. Preparation of metal surfaces for painting. Painting chamber».
The Pozhneftehim own production of equipment in Donskoy has been operating since 2006. It is equipped with two painting chambers. Specialists certified in corrosion protection choose a coating system depending on the type of material to be cleaned, the operating conditions of the equipment and the requirements of the customer. This system provides surface preparation technology (chemical treatment, sandblasting, shot blasting, etc.), priming, and final color painting. During the work, the necessary parameters, the degree of surface roughness, desalination, wet layer thickness, dry layer thickness, adhesion, etc. are controlled. Due to the camera heating function, the technology of thermal painting of products at temperatures up to 70 °C is also available.
In addition, the company manufactures products that are coated with various types of powder coating. The powder coating line is two-chamber, with a section of electrostatic application of powder coating and a sintering chamber with a temperature of up to 220 °C.
"We regularly upgrade technologies and develop production capacities at the enterprise. This improves the quality of manufactured products and the level of industrial safety, which is especially important for compliance with Federal and industrial institutional standards," said Igor Romanov, Director of Pozhneftehim production in Donskoy.

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