21.11.2019 14:30:00

On November 13, 2019, the informational seminar “Special technical conditions for the preparation of documentation for oil and gas field facilities” was held at the FAU Glavgosekspertiza of Russia. Sergey Titenkov, the Pozhneftehim Head of the regulatory and technical department attended the event.
Issues that are in the area of responsibility of design engineers and chief project engineers were discussed at the workshop of the Central State Expertise. The main subject was the state examination of oil and gas fields using special technical conditions, as well as their role in justifying the safety of a hazardous production facility.
The meeting was held in a round table format. The main speakers at the workshop were: Dmitry Nikolayevich Vyazov, Head of the Department of Energy Complex Facilities of the Office of the Facilities of the Energy Complex and Industrial Purpose, and Tatyana Viktorovna Sinitsina, Chief Specialist of the Department of Objects of the Energy Complex. During the reports, participants asked questions and discussed controversial issues related to the development and approval of STU.
Pozhneftekhim, a developer of special technical conditions since 2006 and a member of the Technical Committee for Standardization No. 274 of VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, drew attention to the fact that fire safety issues are addressed not only in the project section “Measures to ensure fire safety”, but also in other sections of design documentation that are in the process of conformity assessment in the management of energy complex and industrial facilities of the Glavgosekpertiza of Russia.
“It is extremely important for designers to know the law enforcement practice and to maintain a dialogue with specialists from state regulatory bodies. This reduces the risk of receiving a negative opinion when checking project documentation and protects design organizations from double development of STU and re-approval of documents in the ministries”, notes Sergey Titenkov.
The STU development is carried out today on the basis of the "Technical Regulation on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" Federal law (No. 384-FZ) and the "Technical Regulation on Fire Safety Requirements" Federal law (No. 123-FZ). STUs for the design of fire protection of oil and gas industry facilities include requirements for fire separation distances, water supply, space-planning and structural solutions, as well as for the installation of technological units and fire protection systems. Find more about how to order STU in Pozhneftehim is here.
The status of Special Technical Conditions is determined today in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation No. 248 / pr dated April 15, 2016 (General Provisions, paragraph 2): “STUs are technical requirements in the field of safety of a capital construction project, containing (as applied to a specific capital construction project) additional to established or absent technical requirements in the field of safety, reflecting the features of engineering surveys, design, construction, dismantling (demolition) of the capital construction object, as well as containing deviations from specified requirements".
Our Company is also engaged in development of the Fire Safety Measures (MOPB) section, fire protection concepts, and the assessment of the compliance of project documentation with the requirements of Russian regulatory documents in the field of fire safety. Find more about the design direction here.
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