Pozhneftekhim is one of the first manufacturers of foam concentrates and wetting agents for fire extinguishing to start at the production site in Ivanteevka the procedures for verifying devices according to the new requirements of 2021.
New requirements for monitoring devices and measuring instruments are introduced on the basis of the Federal Law No. 102-FZ of 26.06.2008 "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements" and Federal Law No. 348 of 27.10.2020 "On Amendments to Article 5 of the Federal Law "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements" (effective from 01.01.2021). Now all the information about all measuring instruments is available in the open register and everyone can make sure that the manufacturer has the necessary equipment.

On February 3, 2021, a tensiometer was verified by the State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in Moscow and the Moscow Region of the FBU "ROSTEST-MOSCOW" at the Pozhneftehim production facility in Ivanteevka. This is a high-precision device that requires qualified personnel and strict compliance with operating conditions. It is designed to measure the surface tension of liquids and can be used to determine the density of liquids. The device is in excellent condition, has been fully verified using not only standardized weight measures, but also using the water standard and checking the correctness of the surface tension readings. The device card is here.
"We carefully monitor the proper quality of our products," says Tatiana Potapenko, Head of the Foam Concentrates Department. "The production facility is equipped with laboratory equipment that allows us to fulfill both standard and complex orders, develop foam concentrates with the required characteristics taking into account the fire hazard, water quality and other specific features of facilities."
Pozhneftehim, the Russian manufacturer of equipment and foam concentrates for fire extinguishing systems, welcomes the improvement of legal regulation to ensure the uniformity and accuracy of measurements. The open register allows customers to objectively assess the level of control over the quality of products in production facilities. The verification of laboratory equipment fully confirms the manufacturer's ability to produce a high-quality foam concentrates for fire extinguishing and to guarantee the characteristics stated in the safety passport.
Pozhneftehim has been producing foam concentrates for fire extinguishing under the own brand name Aquafom since 2011. During this period, over 180 compositions have been developed and put into production. The constant work is underway to develop and improve their characteristics, as well as to conduct fire tests of new formulas of foam concentrates.
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