17.07.2020 14:32:00
The Pozhneftehim informs about changes in the approval procedure of STU on fire safety, the document with special technical conditions for design and construction. The regulatory documentation for the development and approval of Special Technical Conditions in our company being reviewed from April 15 to May 15, 2020.
On April 27, 2020, the Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of 03.03.2020 No. 165/pr "On Amending the Procedure for the Development and Coordination of Special Specifications for the Development of Design Documentation for a Capital Construction Facility, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation on April 15, 2016 No. 248/pr." enters into force. The document can be found on our website (RUS, pdf, 0.3 Mb).
The Pozhneftehim introduces amendments to agreements for the development and approval of STU for fire safety standards, work schedules, as well as bidding documentation, organizational schemes and regulations. Earlier, the Pozhneftehim Group informed customers and partners about changes in the approval procedure for fire safety regulations in the Pozhneftehim-Expert project. The issue contains complete information on the procedure for examination of project documentation in connection with Order No. 165/pr.
“We welcome this legislative initiative. The simplified procedure for the STU preparation makes this tool more accessible for customers in conditions where urgent changes to the design documentation are required. Moreover, the cost of work is likely to be decreased upon STU being coordinated by the companies specialized in regulatory and technical support for design work. This is a positive signal for the market,” said Sergey Panov, Deputy Head of the Pozhneftehim Group of Companies.
The coordination of STU on fire safety is now carried out in accordance with the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia. The participation of the Ministry of Construction of Russia and Moskomekspertiza is maintained for fire related STU with technical specifications that contain technical requirements under the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ and technical requirements under the Federal Law of 30.12.2009 No. 384-FZ.
A simplified procedure for the approval of special technical conditions makes it possible to review the timing of projects and resources for the preparation of supporting documentation. In addition, the Order provides for further updating the regulatory and technical legislation in accordance with international and domestic practice.
According to Order No. 165/pr, a Regulatory and Technical Council is created to consider the possibility of approving the STU project or the need for its revision. The document established that the Regulatory and Technical Council is obliged to quarterly formulate recommendations on amendments to national standards and codes of practice on the basis of agreed STU projects.
“Work on improving the Russian regulatory framework by considering forced additions to the technical specifications established by the standards will be a good tool for improving domestic standards in the field of fire and industrial safety,” Sergey Panov emphasized.
The Pozhneftehim is involved in design work and has been developing fire safety management systems since 2006. Among our customers are Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk LLC, LUKOIL-Nizhegorodniinefteproekt LLC, NOVATEK-Ust-Luga LLC, Slavneft-YANOS OJSC, Lenaeroproekt FGUP, Lenmorniiproekt OJSC, SIBUR-Portenergo LLC, VNIPIneft JSC, VNIIST Institute LLC, 23rd State Marine Design Institute OJSC, Neftekhimproekt CJSC and others. Reference list available on request.

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