Advanced training in fire safety
Pozhneftehim Advanced training courses 2019
Advanced training courses 2018
Advanced training courses 2017
Advanced training courses 2016
- The Pozhneftehim full-time training is more than just courses and professional advice. It implies sharing experience among participants that specialize in design and maintenance of industrial facilities.
- Participation in demonstration tests of firefighting equipment and foam concentrates. The designer should learn about the compatibility of various equipment types and foam concentrates to create the efficient fire suppression system.
- Practical approach to theory. You learn how to implement regulatory documents when creating workable and economically feasible foam firefighting installations.
- Practical comparison of foam concentrates’ effectiveness. The foam concentrate is the fire extinguishing substance for systems and installations of foam firefighting. The choice of foam concentrate should consider on the peculiar features of the object (type of water, type of flammable and combustible liquids, climate of region, etc.)
- Getting familiar with the workshop manufacturing firefighting equipment. You see how the high-quality fire extinguishing equipment is being produced and learn its advantages as compared to so-called analogues.
Advanced training courses
Place of training
Manufacturing venue of the Pozhneftehim Group of companies (firefighting equipment, testing stand) in Donskoy, Tula region. Transfer, meal and accommodation included in the course price.
Training dates
Distant learning: 22-29 september 2024
Full-time studies: 1-4 october 2024
The Pozhneftehim Advanced training courses consist of full-time practical studies and distant learning. The theoretical part of the course reviews the standard designs of storage tank farms, berth complexes (piers), railway racks, industrial buildings and constructions. The practical demonstration tests show the operation of firefighting equipment and extinguishing properties of various foams (types of foam concentrates).
To enroll to the training please email to indicating your company, position, quantity of participants and contact information, or fill in the feedback form on our web-site.
The course of education
The Advanced training courses are held by the Pozhneftehim LLC internal structural department responsible for education. The full-time studies take place in Donskoy (Tula region) in the training center of the Pozhneftehim manufacturing site. The program includes demonstration of how fire extinguishing equipment works and fire tests.
Pozhneftehim training center
The Pozhneftehim training center arranges the annual Advanced training courses for specialists responsible for industrial and fire safety. The focus is “Modern technologies of foam fire extinguishing at the facilities of the oil, petrochemical and gas industry”.
The Pozhneftehim training is intended for designers and members of SRO that collaborate with design documentation for highly hazardous, technically complicated and unique objects. In accordance with the Russian Federation Governmental decree № 207 dated 05/11/2017 (previously Decree № 207 dated 03/24/2011), directors and specialists working in this area must undergo advanced training in architectural and construction design at least every five years.
The practical knowledge about foam firefighting technologies at objects of petroleum, petrochemical and gas industry is essential to employees of production departments responsible for industrial and fire safety, labor protection and ecological safety. So, we invite this category of specialists to participate in training and learn more about modern efficient technologies of foam fire suppression.
Pozhneftehim LLC has the Tula Region Ministry of Education License No. 0133/03215 dated 09/30/2016. The company is empowered to provide educational services and issue Certificates to participants by the results of the training courses.
Form to apply to the training
Program of the Advanced training courses
Distant learning – 32 hours.
1 |
Fire safety.
2 hours |
2 |
Foam concentrates for fire extinguishing |
2 hours |
3 |
Fire safety requirements to the general and site layout plan of the territory. Location of buildings and constructions, engineering networks on the General plan, entrances, fire-prevention passages, driveways to buildings and structures. |
2 hours |
4 |
Alternative methods of fire extinguishing at objects of petroleum, petrochemical and oil&gas industry. |
2 hours |
5 |
Tactical opportunities of fire response units to combat fires at objects of oil&gas complex. |
2 hours |
6 |
Internal fire water main and external fire fighting. |
2 hours |
7 |
Design procedure for foam firefighting systems and water curtains of berth complexes for transloading hydrocarbons and petroleum products. Calculation of basic parameters. |
4 hours |
8 |
Design procedure for water spraying installations, high-expansion foam installations for embankments of insulated tanks for liquefied hydrocarbon gases. |
2 hours |
9 |
Alarm and staff fire evacuation management systems. |
4 hours |
10 |
Automatic fire alarm installations (systems of fire detection) at objects of petroleum, petrochemical and oil&gas industries |
2 hours |
11 |
Pre-explosive concentrations sensors (signaling devices). Main types, characteristics, design features. |
4 hours |
12 |
Automatic systems of fire suppression management. Regulatory requirements. Classification and structure. Integration with the Technical indicators automatic control system. |
4 hours |
Full-time training – 40 hours.
13 |
Technical regulation in the area of fire safety. Problems of regulatory support when designing fire safety systems. Special technical conditions.
2 hours |
14 |
The concept of modern technologies of foam fire fighting. |
2 hours |
15 |
Foam concentrates for fire extinguishing. Classification. Choice of foam concentrate type and characteristics. Practical cases for choosing foam concentrates. |
2 hours |
16 |
Practical studies on extinguishing flammable and combustible liquids’ fires with modern fire suppression equipment and foam concentrates. |
2 hours |
17 |
Regulatory requirements to the quality of foam concentrates, their implementation, storage, transportation, quality control. Development of technical requirements for procurement. |
2 hours |
18 |
Chapter 9 of the design documentation. Measures for fire safety (MOPB). Procedure and peculiar features of the MOPB chapter for objects of petroleum, petrochemical and oil&gas industries. |
2 hours |
19 |
Firefighting equipment for the protection of storage tanks with oil and petroleum products. Low-expansion foam chambers, high-pressure foam generators, membranes, interlayer nozzles. Practical demonstration tests of low-expansion foam chamber, high-pressure foam generator, interlayer nozzles. |
2 hours |
20 |
Design procedure of foam firefighting and water cooling systems of storage tank farms. Calculation of basic parameters. |
2 hours |
21 |
Foam generators of low, medium and high expansion. Main types and characteristics. Practical demonstration of generators: water-foam nozzle, universal foam generator, high expansion foam generator, UKTP, GPS, GChS, SVPE, etc. |
2 hours |
22 |
Design procedure of foam firefighting and water cooling systems of railway loading and unloading racks. Calculation of basic parameters. |
2 hours |
23 |
Rationale for construction and space-planning solutions, fire resistance level and fire hazard class of constructions. |
2 hours |
24 |
Fire monitors and fire towers. Main types and characteristics. Practical demonstration tests of various fire monitors. |
2 hours |
Teaching staff
The teaching staff is highly qualified and has practical experience in design and maintenance of fire protection systems. Our lecturers are the Pozhneftehim employees and invited external experts.

Sergey Panov
PhD in engineering, Pozhneftehim Deputy Head
Technical director

Yuriy Poteryaev
Pozhneftehim deputy Technical director
PhD in engineering

Sergey Titenkov
Head of Pozhneftehim technical regulation department

Tatiana Potapenko
Head of Pozhneftehim foam department
PhD in chemistry