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ТОО «GALAXY service»

On behalf of the GALAXY service partnership and on my own behalf, I would like to thank you for the timely delivery of high-quality equipment (foam generators, Antifayer dispenser tank, Aquafom foaming agent). Thanks to their use, we were able to successfully complete the installation and commissioning work, as well as deliver the facility on time. No complaints have been received during operation, which once again confirms its high quality. This convinces us to use the equipment manufactured by TPK Pozhneftekhim LLC at other facilities, as well as in the design of foam extinguishing systems. We have something to compare with, and in this comparison you are at an unattainable height, but do not relax. We are waiting for innovative solutions from you.

Over the years of our cooperation, we have appreciated the professionalism and competence of the company's employees, who are always ready to help with the selection of equipment, provide advice and promptly resolve complex issues at various stages of project implementation.

We wish you yes

ТОО «AAEngineering Group»

On behalf of AAEngineering Group LLP, we would like to thank the regulatory and technical department of Pozhneftekhim LLC for their professional assistance in developing the text of Special Technical Specifications (STS) for design and construction in terms of fire safety for our facility: "Construction of a Sodium cyanide Plant with a capacity of 25,000 tons per year in a special economic zone "Jibek Joly". Shuisky district. Zhambyl region", the customer of which is Altynalmas Reagents LLP. The development of the STU was necessary due to the lack of a regulatory framework governing fire safety requirements in the design of liquid ammonia storage warehouses, which is designed to receive liquid ammonia from railway tanks, store it in tanks and then supply it to the sodium cyanide production plant. Thanks to the highly professional staff of your department, we have received a complete list of requirements that guarantee fire safety at our facility, including


LLC "CIT" (Kemerovo) thanks LLC "Pozhneftekhim" for the prompt production and supply of SHPP (fire foam cabinet) "MasterPen" complete with foaming agent "Aquafom IH" (type – AFFF) for KAO "Azot".

The choice of equipment was based on the necessary characteristics of the protected object, as well as on documentary support and mandatory test behavior. Your employees have confirmed compliance with the stated requirements. According to the readiness of the equipment and in accordance with the Customer's technical specifications, tests of the SPF with foam supply were carried out and the characteristics of the equipment's operation were confirmed by design parameters. The tests were carried out under video recording and with the registration of the test report.

The equipment and the foaming agent were manufactured exactly on time.

We were satisfied with the cooperation with your company. We plan to cooperate in the future, as well as recommend Pozhneftekhim LLC as a reliable, responsible manufacturer of fire extinguishing equipment and foaming agents.


HIMPROMPROEKT Limited Liability Company expresses its gratitude to the employees of the regulatory and technical department of Pozhneftekhim Group for their high-quality and qualified work in the implementation of a set of measures aimed at ensuring fire safety of the projected facility: "Reconstruction of titles 617/3, 618, 620, 625 of Workshop 2520 of the ATP plant for the new production of EP-600 PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim.
Thanks to their experience and knowledge, all the features and requirements of fire safety were taken into account, reflecting the specifics of the designed facilities, including their cramped placement, the complexity of the layout of the railway overflow overpass for joint filling of LVZH, GZH and GG. I would like to note the feedback at each stage of the work carried out, all emerging issues were resolved promptly and at a high professional level.
As part of the work carried out, the following was carried out: assessment of compliance of the adopted design decisions with fire safety requirements, development and approval of Special technical conditions for design and construction in terms of fire safety. The calculation was performed, according to the fire risk assessment.
The result of the work was the receipt of a positive conclusion from the regulatory and Technical Council of the Department of Supervision and Preventive Work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, FAA Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, FSBI VNIIPO of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

LLC «Rostovneftekhimproekt»

Limited Liability Company «Rostovneftekhimproekt» expresses its gratitude to the regulatory and Technical department of Pozhneftekhim Group for an excellent job.

Thank you for your contribution to ensuring fire safety for the facilities: "Conversion of the K.591 storage warehouse for polyolefin storage", "Construction of a new polyolefin storage warehouse", the projects were completed on time and with high quality. The attention to detail and professionalism of the team should be especially noted. Each stage of the work was thought out to the smallest detail, which made it possible to avoid disruption of work deadlines. Communication was clear and prompt, all issues that arose were resolved instantly.

As part of the implementation of these projects, the team of the regulatory and technical department of Pozhneftekhim Group performed the entire range of work:
  • assessment of compliance of the adopted design decisions with fire safety requirements;
  • calculation of fire risk;
  • development and coordination of Special technical conditions for design and construction in terms of fire safety;
  • approval of the STU in accordance with the established procedure with the receipt of a positive conclusion;
  • development of basic technical solutions for fire protection provided in accordance with compensating and additional measures in the STU;
  • supply of a high-density foam fire extinguishing system to the facility;
Execution of installation supervision and commissioning works.
We are very glad to cooperate and look forward to further cooperation.

AO “Gazpromneft-MNPZ”

We would like to thank the employees of the regulatory and technical department of Pozhneftehim Group for their successful work in the field of fire safety during the design of the new LPG loading and unloading railway racks of AO “Gazpromneft-MNPZ”.

The uniqueness of the project in terms of fire safety requirements was the absence of regulatory fire safety requirements for the design of LPG railway rack.

AO “Gazpromneft-MNPZ” highly appreciated the competence of its employees and the organization of work performed by the regulatory and technical department of your organization within the framework of this project:
• assessment of compliance of the adopted design decisions with fire safety requirements. The result of the assessment is a list of identified deviations from the requirements of fire safety standards with options for compensating measures;
• development and coordination of Special technical conditions (STU) for design and construction in terms of fire safety;
• calculation of fire risk assessment.

An indicator of the high level of competence of the staff of the regulatory and technical department is the positive conclusion on the STU received from FGBU VNIIPO of the EMERGOM of Russia, as well as the absence of comments during the approval of the STU in the GU of the EMERCOM of Russia in Moscow.

LLC "MBA Telecom"

LLC "MBA Telecom" expresses gratitude to the staff of LLC "Pozhneftekhim" for professional advice, rapid production, installation and commissioning of complex fire extinguishing systems with high-expansion foam for Rosreserve Plants.
As the facility was commissioned the fire extinguishing systems fully correspond to the design solutions. Manuals for the operation of comprehensive fire extinguishing systems were developed, as well as separate operational manuals for the equipment included in them. Test methods for fire extinguishing systems have been developed and certificates for equipment have been provided.
We consider it necessary to note the professionalism of your company's specialists, who were responsible for working on the project. During the implementation of the project, the company has established itself as an expert in the field of fire safety and a reliable partner. All emerging issues were resolved promptly.
We are ready to recommend Pozhneftehim LLC as a professional and responsible company for the development and production of foam fire extinguishing systems.

OOO «Kuzbassstroyservis NK"

Pozhneftehim LLC carried out the production and supply of fire extinguishing equipment for our company as part of the construction of the site: Reconstruction of the fuel and lubricants warehouse of AO Mezhdurechye. From the very beginning of cooperation, the company has proved itself to be a professional and reliable partner. The company's managers were always available and ready to answer all our questions and requests. They also helped us decide on the equipment that best suited our needs and budget. Our company purchased: a fire tower, "Antifire" monitors, a universal fire filter "Tauer", a fixed fire pressure proportioner "Foamix" and a fire equipment connection unit. All the equipment was delivered on time and in excellent condition. It is also worth noting that all products have been certified and comply with all necessary standards and norms. We recommend cooperation with Pozhneftehim LLC.

OOO «Altyn alkap-SK»

We express gratitude for the responsible approach to the supply of a Bladder tank, the foam concentrate storage and dosing system. We note the high professionalism and attitude of your company's employees. The timeliness of delivery and the high quality of the equipment proved to be especially valuable in your work. We wish you success and hope for further cooperation.

OOO «BVB Alyans»

Thank you for the responsible approach to the supply of equipment (Fire equipment connection node, Foam concentrate "Aquafoam S/AR"). Employees of your company carry out their activities professionally, advise on the selection of equipment competently and answer all questions in detail. Especially valuable in our work was the timely execution of the order and the high quality of the equipment. Our organization is glad to continue cooperation and will recommend the company LLC "TPC Pozhneftehim" as professional and responsible partners who apply all their efforts to solve tasks assigned to them.

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