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We hereby inform you that LLC NOVATEK - Ust-Luga is satisfied with the cooperation with LLC Pozhneftekhim, which began in 2008 at the design stage of the facility (with the development of a concept for fire protection of the facility and STC for ensuring fire safety).

Over the 10 years of joint work, LLC Pozhneftehim clearly fulfilled both its warranty obligations and promptly responded and is responding to issues of post-warranty repairs and services. LLC NOVATEK - Ust-Luga operates a large number of equipment manufactured by your Company (three modular foam concentrate storage and dosing stations, a large amount of equipment and materials as part of automatic fire extinguishing systems for technological equipment). All questions arising from the operation service were resolved promptly, in normal course of business.

We hope to continue mutually beneficial cooperation in the coming years.

LLC Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveschensk

LLC Gazprom Pererabotka (Processing) Blagoveshchensk expresses gratitude to the specialists of LLC Pozhneftehim for updating and agreeing with the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of special technical conditions for ensuring fire safety (hereinafter referred to as STC) as part of the development design documentation for the largest gas processing complex in Far East, the Amur Gas Processing Plant. Work on the STC approval was performed at a high professional level and in the shortest time possible.

I would like to specially focus on the LLC Pozhneftehim highly qualified specialists who took part in this job.


During the activity of LLC Pozhneftehim at the CJSC PNT (Petersburg Oil Terminal) facilities, your experts carried out work in the following areas:

  1. Development of compensatory measures with the coordination in the supervisory bodies of the joint discharge of light and dark oil products from one railroad rack (2005-2006),
  2. Development of STC (with subsequent coordination with the supervisory authorities) and participation in various stages of designing several start-up complexes in the design of the fire protection system for the tank farm of four tanks of the RVS 40000t type (glass in glass) in the reclaimed territory with the system tied up to the existing general plan of the terminal and existing fire extinguishing installations (2006-2011).
  3. Supply of equipment and foam concentrates (2006-2011).
  4. Participation in commissioning and handover of systems to supervisory authorities (2012).

Based on the results of the above work, we distinguish the reliability of LLC Pozhneftehim as a partner at all stages of joint work.

We specially distinguish the convenience of operating the equipment of your production (KNP, VPG, PFU, MR) used in the reservoirs of the RVS 4801 VI launch complex (2011) compared with equipment mounted on the tanks of the V launch complex (2006).

I express the opinion of the CJSC PNT management regarding the involvement of LLC Pozhneftehim (if necessary) in the future.

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