Foam fire extinguishing. Pozhneftehim foam fire extinguishing installations

- Foam Fire Extinguishing
- Examples of Pozhneftehim fire extinguishing installations (logic diagrams)
- Pozhneftehim fire fighting equipment and foam concentrates for fire extinguishing installations
- Maintenance of Pozhneftehim foam fire extinguishing installations
- Regulatory grounds for the use of foam fire extinguishing installations
- Foam fire extinguishing in Russian and international standards
- Russian design codes for foam fire extinguishing systems and installations
- Classification of foam fire extinguishing installations according to Russian standards
- How to order, calculate, get advice on the foam fire extinguishing installations
1. Foam Fire Extinguishing
Foam fire extinguishing is a set of actions to eliminate fire. A foam or a wetting solutions are used as a fire extinguishing agent in foam fire extinguishing systems and installations. Fire fighting equipment for systems includes foam generators, foam storage and dosing systems, fire filters, proportioners, etc.
Pozhneftehim recommends using modern efficient foam fire extinguishing installations. The customer engages us in as a company responsible for designing, production, supervision, commissioning and maintenance during the further operation of the complex of fire fighting equipment and foam concentrates.
1.1. Field of use at industrial and production sites
Foam fire extinguishing is a set of actions to eliminate fire. A foam or a wetting solutions are used as a fire extinguishing agent in systems and installations of foam fire extinguishing. Fire fighting equipment for systems includes foam generators, foam storage and dosing systems, fire filters, proportioners, etc.
Pozhneftehim recommends using modern efficient foam fire extinguishing installations. The customer engages us in as a company responsible for the designing, production, supervision, commissioning and maintenance during the further operation of the complex of fire fighting equipment and foam concentrates.
1.2. Advantages of foam fire extinguishing
The foam fire extinguishing installations makes it possible to effectively isolate fuel from oxidizer and cool the seat of fire. This significantly reduces water consumption and effectively limits the spread of flame.
Air-mechanical foam is divided into low, medium and high expansion foam. Depending on the foam expansion ratio, foam fire extinguishing installations are divided into installations (systems) for area and volume fire suppression. There is also a method of subsurface suppression of oil and oil products in reservoirs with flammable and combustible liquids.
When choosing a fire extinguishing method, it is necessary, in accordance with the "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" No. 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008, to identify the object of protection according to the functional fire hazard class, fire resistance level, category of buildings, structures and premises by fire and explosion hazard (for production sites).
2. Examples of Pozhneftehim fire extinguishing installations (logic diagrams)
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General view (logical diagram) of the Pozhneftehim foam fire extinguishing installation for a reservoir with flammable and combustible liquids. The reservoirs are part of processing sites for oil and oil products. Large-scale fire extinguishing systems are required for tank farms - storages for petroleum products. The site requires foam fire extinguishing and water cooling systems. Low expansion or low and medium expansion foam are used, depending on the method of extinguishing.
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General view (logical diagram) of the Pozhneftehim foam fire extinguishing installation for the berthing complex. The bulk-loading operations are organized here for transshipment of petroleum products. The site requires foam fire extinguishing and water cooling systems. Low expansion foam is applied.
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General view (logical diagram) of the Pozhneftehim foam fire extinguishing installation for storages of flammable and combustible liquids according to the SP 155.13130-2014. The premises where flammable and combustible liquids are stored are part of many production and industrial sites. They require a fire extinguishing system with foam of low, medium or high expansion, depending on the characteristics of the site.
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General view (logical diagram) of the Pozhneftehim foam fire extinguishing installation for an aircraft hangar. The systems of hangar fire protection use high expansion foam. The low expansion and medium expansion foam are acceptable, as well as water with a wetting agent. The project organization selects fire extinguishing substance depending on the specifics of the site.
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General view (logical diagram) of the Pozhneftehim foam fire extinguishing installation for tank railcar loading facilities (loading/unloading racks). The site fire protection systems use low expansion foam. A foam generator with an oscillator to increase the area of coverage and efficiency of fire extinguishing is recommended.
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General view (logical diagram) of the Pozhneftehim foam fire extinguishing installation for truck loading facilities. The fire protection systems of racks use low and medium expansion foam. A foam generator with oscillator to increase the coverage area and efficiency of fire extinguishing is recommended.
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General view (logical diagram) of the Pozhneftehim foam fire extinguishing installation for a helipad (heliport). The fire protection system for helipads uses low or medium expansion foam, as well as the DIFFS system with pop-up M-DY16 nozzles. A low or medium expansion foam fire extinguishing system is selected at the discretion of the project organization.
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General view (logical diagram) of the Pozhneftehim foam fire extinguishing installation for general purpose industrial warehouses in accordance with SP 5.13130-2009. They include buildings and premises where products of light, food, chemical, woodworking industries, agricultural products, paints, varnishes, fuels and lubricants are stored. Such warehouses are part of many production and industrial facilities. A foam fire extinguishing system with low, medium or high expansion foam is required depending on the characteristics of the object. Water fire suppression with a wetting agent is also widely used. The choice of fire extinguishing agent is made by the design organization, depending on the specific character of the fire hazard for the stored values.
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General view (logical diagram) of the Pozhneftehim foam fire extinguishing installation for the process installation (outdoor installation). According to standards, process units require watering systems. Foam fire extinguishing is applied locally to protect objects in installations. Fire extinguishing systems use low or medium expansion foam, depending on the site.
2.2. Pozhneftehim fire fighting equipment and foam concentrates for fire extinguishing installations
Pozhneftehim, a Russian manufacturer of fire fighting equipment and foam concentrates for foam fire extinguishing installations, offers comprehensive supplies of system components for the site. Our specialists will help you select the system components that match technical characteristics so that the project documentation is approved by the supervisory authorities and the acceptance tests at the facility are successful.
You can get an electronic or printed Pozhneftehim catalog of products for foam fire extinguishing by contacting us via the feedback form on the website. Or learn more about fire equipment and foam concentrates from our managers.
2.3. Maintenance of Pozhneftehim foam fire extinguishing installations
Pozhneftehim produces high quality fire equipment and foam concentrates in strict accordance with the State Standards and other applicable regulatory documents. Pozhneftehim specialists provide warranty and post-warranty services for the fire fighting products delivered to the site.
If the Company was responsible for the full range of works for the installation of foam fire extinguishing system (i.e. design, commissioning and start-up), we provide warranty service for this fire extinguishing installation.

3. Regulatory grounds for the use of foam fire extinguishing installations
3.1. Foam fire extinguishing in Russian and international standards
Foam fire extinguishing is included in the main Russian and international regulatory documents in the field of fire safety. Among international and foreign standards that relate to foam fire extinguishing installations, the following is worth mentioning:
- NFPA® 11 Standard for Low-, Medium-, and High-Expansion Foam
- ISO 7076-1:2012 Fire protection - Foam fire extinguishing systems
- NORSOK STANDARD S-001 Technical safety
- EN 13565-1:2003+A1 Fixed firefighting systems - Foam systems
3.2. Russian standards applicable to designing of foam fire extinguishing systems and installations
The design of foam fire extinguishing installations on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out in compliance with the following main regulatory documents:
- Federal Law 123-FZ of July 22, 2008 Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements as amended on July 29, 2017;
- Federal Law 384-FZ of December 30, 2009 Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures, as amended as on July 02, 2013;
- GOST 12.1.004-91 Occupational safety standards. Fire safety. General requirements;
- GOST 12.3.046-91 Occupational safety standards. Automatic fire extinguishing installations. General technical requirements;
- GOST 12.3.047-2012, Schedule М;
- GOST P 50800-95 Automatic foam fire extinguishing installations. General technical requirements. Testing methods;
- GOST P 50588-2012 Foam concentrates for extinguishing fires. General technical requirements and testing methods (as amended);
- SP 5.13130, Sections 5 and 6;
- SP 135.13130;
- SP 154.13130.2013 Built-in underground parking. Fire safety requirements;
- SP 155.13130, section 13.2, Schedule А;
- Rules of the Russian Maritime Shipping Register;
- International Civil Aviation Organization Doc 9261-AN / 903 "Heliport Guide";
- ISCS 12-87;
- VUPP-88;
- Recommendations of the FSBI VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia “Means of fire automatics. Application area. Type selection, Moscow, 2004;
- Recommendations of the FGU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia “Procedure for the use of foam concentrates for fire extinguishing”, Moscow, 2007;
- Recommendations of the FGU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia "Recommendations for the use of foam concentrates for fire extinguishing AQUAFOM S/AR, Balashikha, 2015;
- Guidelines for extinguishing oil and petroleum products in tanks and tank farms M.: VNIIPO-MIPB, 1999;
- Recommendations for extinguishing polar liquids in tanks (Moscow, 2007).
3.3. Classification of foam fire extinguishing installations according to Russian standards
Requirements to automatic installations of foam fire extinguishing are established by GOST 12.3.046 and GOST P 50800. The systems are divided by design into sprinkler and drencher types (electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, etc.).
Foam fire extinguishing installations have different response time, that is, the period of tume before the system starts releasing the fire extinguishing substance:
- up to 3 seconds (high-speed response)
- up to 30 seconds (medium-speed response)
- more than 30 but less than 180 seconds (slow response)
Classification of foam fire extinguishing installations by duration of action:
- short duration systems (less than 10 minutes);
- average duration systems (less than 15 minutes);
- long duration systems (15 - 25 minutes).
Regardless of the response time and duration of foam extinguishing, any foam extinguishing installation contains the following elements:
- Water source, pumping station
- Foam concentrate storage and dosing system
- Foam sprinklers, foam generators
- Target fire equipment and block-modular solutions (fire filters, fire stabilizers, fire foam cabinets, block-containers, etc.)
- Water and mortar pipelines
Pozhneftehim recommends to take the foam expansion ratio as the basis for the classification of foam extinguishing installations. By this criterion, the systems are divided into:
- fire extinguishing installations with low expansion foam (expansion from 5 to 20);
- fire extinguishing installations with medium expansion foam (expansion over 20, but not more than 200);
- fire extinguishing installations with of high expansion foam (expansion over 200);
- fire extinguishing installations with wetting agent.
3.4. How to order, calculate, get advice on the foam fire extinguishing installations
You can get advice and calculate the cost of foam fire extinguishing installations from our specialists by filling out the form below.
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Стандарт Пожнефтехим "Базовые проблемы проектирования систем пенного пожаротушения. Пути решения". 2018 (pdf, 2.32 Mb)
Contact information to order Pozhneftehim complex supplies:
Questions concerning the choice of foam concentrates for fire extinguishing
Tatyana Potapenko, foam project manager +7 (499) 703 01 32, ext.172
Questions concerning the choice of firefighting equipment
Sergey Vypritsky, Project Manager +7 (499) 703 01 32, ext.153
Questions on documentation regarding Fire safety measures (MOPB) and Special technical conditions (STU)
Sergey Titenkov, Head of Regulatory and Technical Department +7 (499) 703 01 32, ext.159