- Aquafom product line has over 180 compositions.
- Pozhneftehim has its own research base.
- All foam concentrates are certified and produced in accordance with GOST requirements. We use high-quality raw materials that meet European environmental standards.
- Foam concentrates are selected to meet the specific characteristics of fuel and water on site.
- Pozhneftehim leads the development of compositions for customer specifications.
- The effectiveness of Aquafom foam concentrates is proved with Pozhneftehim firefighting equipment.
- Pozhneftehim customers have extended warranty for package delivery. We recommend purchasing equipment and foam concentrate from a single supplier to ensure that the fire extinguishing system is working properly.
AFFF – Aquafom I-NSV, Aquafom I-N – synthetic fluorine-containing film-forming foam concentrates for extinguishing flammable liquids. The premix has low surface tension, which allows to quickly spread over the surface of the burning liquid and form a film. AFFF effectively protects the flammable substance from burnback. The products are effective for extinguishing oil, petroleum products and other non-polar (water-insoluble) liquids and mixtures with a max 15% content of polar components. They are used for extinguishing both by feeding foam from above and in the layer (sublayer fire extinguishing).
AFFF/AR – Aquafom II-NSV, Aquafom II-N – synthetic fluorine-containing film-forming alcohol-resistant foam concentrates for extinguishing water-soluble and water-insoluble flammable liquids. It forms a polymer film on the surface of the flammable liquid. The film protects the foam from breaking down and mixing with the polar (water-soluble) flammable liquid. AFFF/AR has high viscosity. A bladder tank is used for dosing.
S/AR – Aquafom S/AR – synthetic alcohol-resistant special purposes foam concentrates without fluorosurfactants. The product is intended for extinguishing water-soluble and water-insoluble flammable liquids. S/AR is a biodegradable foam concentrate. It is designed for companies that have high requirements for environmental safety. Suitable for mobile fire appliances.
S – Aquafom, Aquafom M – synthetic foam concentrates without fluorosurfactants intended for extinguishing fires. Designed for class A and B fires. The product is used for surface firefighting (by area) with medium expansion foam and for cubical fire extinguishing (by volume) with high expansion foam. Synthetic foam concentrates can be used as wetting agents.
WA – Aquafom SM – synthetic foam concentrates without fluorosurfactants intended for extinguishing fires as wetting agents. It is designed for class A fires, for extinguishing difficult-to-soak substances and materials. The product helps to reduce water consumption.
- How to choose the type and characteristics of foam concentrate when designing systems? Recommendations (RU, pdf, 0.9 MB)
- How to calculate the required amount of foam concentrate? Recommendations (RU, pdf, 1.0 MB)
It is very important to calculate the amount of foam concentrate for the fire extinguishing system at the protected object correctly. The designed amount of foam concentrate should be sufficient for:
- • application of the foam fire extinguishing system during the required time, with the required flow rate;
- • re-use of the foam fire extinguishing system during the required time, with the required flow rate;
- • supplying foam concentrate solution to fill dry pipe branches;
- • provision of stock for the warehouse of the foam concentrate, so that the volume of stock for the warehouse should be equal to the designed amount (for the main and backup use).
In some cases, the norms of the Russian Federation or the object regulations require an increased amount of foam concentrate. For example, SP 155.13130.2014 "Warehouses of oil and petroleum products. Fire safety requirements" requires the provision of stock to the warehouse for three-time use. The general rule when calculating the amount of foam concentrate is to take into consideration the requirements of the following regulatory documents:
- • GOST 12.3.046-91 “Automatic fire extinguishing installations. Automatic fire extinguishing installations. General technical requirements”;
- • GOST R 50800-95 “Automatic foam fire extinguishing installations. General technical requirements. Test methods”;
- • SP 5.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems. Automatic fire alarm and extinguishing systems»;
- • other GOST and SP governing the protection of objects.
To correctly select the type and characteristics of foam concentrates in the design of fire extinguishing systems (installations), we suggest reading the recommendations and consulting with a specialist of the manufacturer.

Aquafom foam concentrate lot before shipment at the warehouse in Ivanteevka. Photo by Pozhneftehim
The buyers of Aquafom foam concentrates and wetting agents get additional information and documents on request:
- • Recommendations for improving the level of fire protection of technological installations with the use of modern foam fire extinguishing technologies;
- • Recommendations for the step-by-step reconstruction of foam fire extinguishing systems (installations) with the transition to modern foam fire extinguishing technologies.
Pozhneftehim group, the manufacturer of high-quality foam concentrates and wetting agents under the Aquafom brand:
- • provides assistance in product selection, as well as the design and installation of fire extinguishing systems of industrial facilities
- • extends the warranty on the foam concentrates after commissioning (if a specialist of the manufacturer is involved in the work);
- • provides training in industrial safety and labor protection for specialists at the Advanced training courses of Pozhneftehim.
Pozhneftehim.The fire-extinguishing properties of foam concentrates are tested during commissioning at the facility. To ensure the effectiveness of the firefighting system, we recommend using firefighting equipment manufactured by the Pozhneftehim group of companies.
You can order a comprehensive supply of equipment and foam concentrates by phone +7 (499) 703 01 32 or by email
- Fire extinguishing system for industrial warehouses and warehouses. The extinguishing agent is determined by the design organization.
Low expansion
Extinguishing class A and B fires (water-soluble and water-insoluble flammable and combustible liquids)
warehouses with storage of flammable and combustible liquids, tank farms, railway and truck loading facilities, piers and berths for oil loading, offshore oil platforms, oil transformers, reactors, cable structures.
Medium expansion
Extinguishing class A and B fires (water-soluble and water-insoluble flammable and combustible liquids).
warehouses with storage of flammable and combustible liquids, tank farms, railway and truck loading facilities, piers and berths for oil pumping, oil transformers, reactors, cable structures.
High expansion
Extinguishing class A and B fires (water-soluble and water-insoluble flammable and combustible liquids)
warehouses, warehouse buildings and premises for various purposes, premises with storage of flammable and combustible liquids, transformer substations, oil depots, hangars for various purposes.
Water + Wetting agent
Extinguishing of fires:
- • class A (solid smoldering substances (cotton, peat, rubber), solid non-smoldering substances (plastics), rubbers, rubber products (non-smoldering);
- • class B (water-soluble and water-insoluble flammable and combustible liquids with a flash point of more than 90 °C).
warehouse, industrial buildings and premises, telephone nodes, cable structures, transformer substations.
Pozhneftehim, the Russian manufacturer of equipment and foam concentrates for foam fire extinguishing systems, recommends purchasing foam concentrates, foam generating and proportioning equipment from single manufacturer.
Package deliveries simplify the commissioning of fire extinguishing systems, eliminate the possibility of having a non-working system or a system with low efficiency (extinguishing capacity).
When selecting foam for the protection of oil, oil and gas and petrochemical industries, as well as for suppression of other objects it is necessary to consider four factors.
- 1. The type and variety of foam concentrates must correspond to the firefighting equipment used.
- 2. The type and type of foam concentrates must meet the operating conditions (type of fuel, material of tanks and pipes, quality of water used, climatic conditions).
- 3. Storage conditions of the foam concentrates must be observed.
- 4. Foam concentrates must fully comply with GOST standards.